
Osteoporosis is a disease that is manifested by reduced bones density, and causes the porosity of bones. The consequence is the reduction of the amount of calcium, whose role is to normally ensure the strength of bones and bone tissues that regulate bone support function. Such fragile and porous bones are intensely sensitive to various physical stresses (knocks, falls). Osteoporosis is one of the main causes of serious disability. Pregnancy is a condition followed by the occurrence of an increased need of fetus for calcium, for which the organism of the mother is adjusted by increased intestinal absorption, i.e. by mobilizing calcium from the bones. Although rarely, these two processes might lead to the development of osteoporosis and the formation of fractures, most often after the first pregnancy. However, it remains unclear whether osteoporosis in pregnancy is an excessive physiological adjustment of the mother, or the pregnant woman has already had a reduced bone density before. Physical activity and nutrition are crucial in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis at any age.

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