
Uterine didelphys is one of the rare congenital anomalies of the female reproductive tract that is of special interest to the obstetrician - gynaecologist. This condition is usually under diagnosed as most patients are asymptomatic. Uterine didelphys is closely related with multiple reproductive challenges such as increased first and second trimester pregnancy losses, preterm birth, low birth weight, placental abruption and increased perinatal mortality among others. This case report presents a multiparous woman with uterine didelphys which was diagnosed incidentally at her first caesarean section; she had a total of three consecutive spontaneously conceived pregnancies, found in different hemi-uterus per time and delivered by caesarean sections at term with good pregnancy outcomes. Post operative periods were uneventful. High index of suspicion can improve the diagnosis of this condition in women. Individualized management of patient with uterine didelphys and delivery by caesarean section produces a favorable pregnancy outcome.

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