
Purpose: General elections in Indonesia until the last election were carried based on a manual system and complex checks. This process is always vulnerable to errors and fraud. As a result of these errors and frauds, the election results are always debated and doubtful. The dissatisfaction with general election results which causes security disturbances is an example of political threats and political instability. To fulfill the principles of elections, the presence of e-recapitulation is vital.
 Methodology: The method used in this study qualitatively with data sources consisting of primary data, namely the results of observations and interviews, as well as secondary data, namely the results of literature studies and search for documents and articles in the media.
 Main Findings: Based on field studies, the efficiency and effectiveness of e-recapitulation are believed to be the solution to current problems in Indonesia. It can be concluded that the use of e-recapitulation must begin immediately in a large scope in all regions of Indonesia to realize better, more effective and efficient general election.
 Implications/Applications: The implementation is believed to minimize the emergence of post-election conflicts caused by fraud in the vote-counting process. Free bribery and fraud can be guaranteed in the future.

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