
Teaching and learning have already been leaping forward by adding advanced technologies such as augmented reality. The main purpose of this study is to predict Malaysian Polytechnic lecturers who teach Wireless Communication subject, on their acceptance level of incorporating Augmented reality into learning material using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The questionnaire was distributed to 40 polytechnic lecturers who teach this subject nationwide. Pearson Correlation analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to test all the hypotheses. The data analysis indicates that about 87.5 % of Malaysian polytechnic lecturers who teach wireless communication subject currently accept to incorporate AR in that subject. Using Technology Acceptance Model, the study reveals that lecturers perceived that Augmented Reality is easy to use (PEOU), and useful (PU) and therefore has a positive attitude (ATU) towards using it. This results in positive behavioral intention (BI) to use AR in their teaching and learning material for this subject. This study emphasizes on TAM model to understand and explain behavioral intention to use Augmented Reality among Malaysian polytechnic lecturers who teach wireless communication subject. However, the scope of this study can be widened by investigating the acceptance level for other subjects too.

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