
Recent algorithmic advances in Boolean satisfiability (SAT), along with highly efficient solver implementations, have enabled the successful deployment of SAT technology in a wide range of applications domains, and particularly in electronic design automation (EDA). SAT is increasingly being used as the underlying model for a number of applications in EDA. This paper describes how to formulate two problems in power estimation of CMOS combinational circuits as SAT problems or 0–1 integer linear programming (ILP). In these circuits, it was proven that maximizing dissipation is equivalent to maximizing gate output activity, appropriately weighted to account for differing load capacitances. The first problem in this work deals with identifying an input vector pair that maximizes the weighted circuit activity. In the second application we attempt to find an estimate for the maximum power-up current in circuits where power cut-off or gating techniques are used to reduce leakage current. Both problems were successfully formulated as SAT problems. SAT-Based and generic Integer Linear Programming (ILP) solvers are then used to find a solution. The experimental results obtained on a large number of benchmark circuits provide promising evidence that the proposed complete approach is both viable and useful and outperforms the random approach.

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