
Covid-19 has changed the learning system into Study From Home (SFH). The changes of this learning system make an assessment also doing online. Use of online assessment platform also being develops. Quizizz is one of them. It is crucial to use it in pandemic era like now. This study aims to develop an assessment of physics learning design using quizizz. This research is development research. The development model used ADDIE Models. The instrument was used questionnaire and test using quizizz. The results showed that the process development of the assessment has followed the five steps in ADDIE model such as analyze by doing needs assessment, design an assessment, development, implementation by doing trial run to students of senior high school who have received straight motion material previously, and the last step is evaluation by doing an evaluation in every process of developing an assessment of physics learning design using quizizz. The results showed that the design of physics learning assessment using quizizz is proper to use. The implementation of assessment using quizizz was effective in measuring student-learning outcomes during in pandemic era. It can be seen from the score of classical student passing percentage (p ) which has a value of 72.7 % with an academic completeness assessment criteria is good. It implies that an assessment of physics learning using quizizz can be applied to other subjects.

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