
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is an algorithmic formulation of QCD, the mathematical model that describes quarks and their interactions. Computations in LQCD are typically very expensive and run on dedicated supercomputers and large computer clusters for many months. In this paper the calculations are performed in one of the clusters for supercomputing of HP-SEE (High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities) project, that is located in Bulgaria (BG HPC). We use parallel computing with FermiQCD software, to determine the static quark-antiquark potential. In LQCD the static quark-antiquark potential can be derived from the Wilson loops. The standard method uses rectangular Wilson loops, while we test volume Wilson loops, using simulations with SU(3) gauge field configuration for different values of coupling constant and for different lattice sizes. The calculations are made for 100 statistically independent configurations, of gauge fields of the lattice.KeywordsFermiQCD softwarelatticeparallel computingquark-antiquark potentialstring tensionWilson loops

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