
When linear programming applications become more complex, especially multiple conflicting objectives are considered simultaneously, there is a strong need for tools. One way to deal with such cases is called goal programming (GP). Because of the linear programming is inflexible. When you encounter a problem and conflict with multiple objectives. Can not properly get solve to the problem as a result it used goal programming method. Although goal programming was developed as an extension of linear programming, but more than a mere extension or continuation of the linear program is ideal. Armani is planning to decide on the ideal levels of analysis and multiple objectives(5). Also goal programming, knows the permissible deviation from the target. Therefore, flexibility is making in the decision processes (2). Finally, goal programming, multiple conflicting objectives, preferences, decision-makers makes blend with the allowed changing and balance between goals. Idealized plan for carrying out are used three types of analysis: 1. Determine the resources required to achieve the desired goals set 2. Determine the degree of achievement of the objectives with the resources available. 3. Make or provide a satisfactory solution under varying sources and prioritize goals. Idealized Planning concepts: Idealized planning backbone is composed of three important concepts Deviations, the priority and goals importance and objectives dimensions A - Deviations: Deviations are slightly more or less than the amount upon which the objectives are achieved. B - Prioritize objectives: Objectives of idealized planning to prioritize are 3 different ways: sequentially, elementary, or a combination of both (3). 1. Order Gradation: according to their importance in this approach goals are ordered. The main objective is to determine the priority level P1. It is inappropriate and misleading. The second objective is to determine the importance P2. And so on. 2. Fundamental gradation: In this method, each deviation is assigned a specific weight of these weights indicate the relative importance of each of these deviations (4). 3. Combination of both: these techniques provide the objective function will be explained. Prioritize objectives is shown in the objective function coefficients will be described later (1). C - Range Goals: The goal programming objective function is to minimize the sum of unfavorable deviations are trying weighted according to their importance. Despite the range of distortions is different, such sum may be a little sensitive to: d1 may be that the benefit is measured in terms of dollars. The d2 can be expressed in terms of market share. It is better solving the basic rating (7). Problem Statement:

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