The paper discusses the effect of mobile learning on students, especially the tablets and smartphones. Theses gadgets have become a research interest of education to encourage and facilitate learning. Mobile devices assist in build closer connection between students and teachers. There are several options of mobile devices such as Ipod, personal digital assistant, smart phone, laptop or tablet PC, MP3 Players, pen drive and so on. Mobile learning involves the use of mobile technology either alone or combination with other information and communication technology (ICT). The benefits of mobile learning expand the reach and quality of education, facilitate personalized learning, power anytime, anywhere learning, provide immediate feedback and assessment, ensure productive use of time spent in classrooms, build new community of students, support selected learning, enhance seamless learning, bridge formal and informal learning, improve communication and administration, maximize cost efficiency and update policies related to mobile learning. It is concluded that the benefits overshadow the challenges. Using mobile devices allow students to extend learning beyond the classroom walls. Students are highly engaged and are able to demonstrate unique and creative way to respond to the use of technology that offers some distinctive affordance to users.
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