
Acute cerebrovascular accident is one of the most urgent problems in modern medicine. The frequency of strokes varies in different regions of the world from 1 to 4 cases per 1000 population per year, increasing significantly with age. Cerebrovascular diseases of ischemic origin tend to grow, rejuvenate, are associated with a severe clinical course, high rates of disability and mortality [1-6]. The relevance of the problem of cerebrovascular diseases can rightfully be defined as extraordinary, requiring the concentration of efforts of specialists of different profiles to solve it. Subtotal cerebral ischemia leads to the development of morphological and functional disorders of the cerebral cortex. The introduction of a non-selective NO–synthase inhibitor - L-NAME aggravated histological disorders of neurons that occur with SCI: an increase in the number of hyperchromic shrunken neurons, a decrease in the size and deformation of their pericaryons. Additional use of L -arginine partially eliminated the negative effect of L – NAME [1-8].

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