
Let l>3 be a prime such that l≡3 (mod 4) and Q(l) has class number 1. Then Hirzebruch and Zagier noticed that the class number of Q(-l) can be expressed as h(-l)=(1/3)(b1+b2+⋯+bm)-m where the bi are partial quotients in the “minus” continued fraction expansion l=[[b0;b1,b2,…,bm¯]]. For an odd prime p≠l, we prove an analogous formula using these bi which computes the sum of Iwasawa lambda invariants λp(-l)+λp(-4) of Q(-l) and Q(-1). In the case that p is inert in Q(-l), the formula pleasantly simplifies under some additional technical assumptions.


  • Where D1, D2 are the discriminants of quadratic number fields K1, K2, respectively

  • Suppose the class number of K is 1 and that D is divisible by a prime congruent to 3 modulo 4

  • Under Assumption A, we want a formula for the sum of lambda invariants λp(D1) + λp(D2) which is analogous to Hirzebruch and Zagier’s formula for the product of class numbers h(D1)h(D2) given in terms of the partial quotients in the “minus” continued fraction expansion of (δ + √D)/2 where δ ∈ {0, 1} with D ≡ δ

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Notation and Assumptions

Where D1, D2 are the discriminants of quadratic number fields K1, K2, respectively. We will frequently make the following assumption. Under Assumption A, we want a formula for the sum of lambda invariants λp(D1) + λp(D2) which is analogous to Hirzebruch and Zagier’s formula for the product of class numbers h(D1)h(D2) given in terms of the partial quotients in the “minus” continued fraction expansion of (δ + √D)/2 where δ ∈ {0, 1} with D ≡ δ (mod 4). To accomplish this goal, we first recall some computations of special values of partial zeta functions obtained by Kronecker limit formulas at s = 1 or by the methods of Takuro Shintani at s = 0. We relate these to special values of L-functions which can be alternatively given in terms of the arithmetic invariants h(Di) and λp(Di)

Special Values of Partial Zeta Functions
The Formula for Class Numbers
The Formula for Iwasawa Lambda Invariants
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