
Seeking to promote autonomy in language learning and the value of technological support in language acquisition, this paper reports initial results from a study into the effectiveness of computer-assisted second/foreign language instruction in an English Language Methodology course, conducted over two semesters over the years 2013/2014, at the department of English Language and Literature, at the Philological Faculty, State University of Tetovo, in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Applying content analysis (Silverman, 2005) to identify themes biases and meaning, the study investigated the effect of Blogs in second language acquisition as well as students’ attitudes towards Blogs. Convenience sampling among students enrolled in the course identified a non-random sample of 58 students representing 80% of the possible cohort. Initial quantitative analysis applying descriptive and inferential statistics (Fraenkel& Wallen, 2003) were applied to analyze the effect of the Blog on learning outcomes. Content analytical procedures were then applied to student interviews to confirm the descriptive and inferential statistics previously established.

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