
Flexible wearable sensor electronics, combined with advanced software functions, pave the way toward increasingly intelligent healthcare devices. One important application area is limb prosthesis, where printed flexible sensor solutions enable efficient monitoring and assessing of the actual intra-socket dynamic operation conditions in clinical and other more natural environments. However, the data collected by such sensors suffer from variations and errors, leading to difficulty in perceiving the actual operational conditions. This paper proposes a novel method for detecting anomalies in the data that are collected for measuring the intra-socket dynamic operation conditions by printed flexible wearable sensors. A discrete generative model based on Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) is used first to encode the collected multi-variant time-series data in terms of latent states. After that, a clustering method based on the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is used to acquire discrete and interpretable representations of the VAE encoded latent states. An adaptive Markov chain is utilized to detect anomalies by quantifying state transitions and revealing temporal dependencies. The contributions of the proposed architecture conclude as follows: (1) Using the VAE-SOM hybrid model to regularize the continues data as discrete states, supporting interpreting the operational data to analytic models. (2) Employing adaptive Markov chains to generalize the transitions of these states, allowing to model the complex operational conditions. Compared with benchmark methods, our architecture is validated via two public datasets and achieves the best F1 scores. Moreover, we measure the run-time performance of this lightweight architecture. The results indicate that the proposed method performs low computational complexity, facilitating the applications on real-life productions.

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