
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of using a mix of Lactobacillus (L.) plantarum, L. casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as silage inoculate to meadow grass on silage fermentation characteristics, silage quality and aerobic stability. A sample of Meadow grass (MG) was collected directly from the forage harvester during a first cut harvest. The fresh, chopped MG sample was divided into 2 equal portions and either treated with the test additive (EM) or received an equal volume of water (control). The dosage of EM Silage was based on 80 ml per ton product. Samples were analysed statistically as randomise complete (1 × 2) design using an ANOVA procedure of Genstat 15. Ensiled sample was found to have lower dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC) and yeasts count, and higher mould count compared fresh samples. Additionally, treating MG with EM increased concentration of total volatile fatty acids (tVFA), acetic and propionic acids and total alcohol by approximately (25, 27, 47, 300% respectively) and reduced lactic acid by approximately 13% compared to control samples. Aerobic stability results showed that control MG treatment reached a temperature 3 °C above ambient in ~6.8 days whereas the EM treated MG took approximately 14 days get to the same temperature after exposing to air. Therefore, using this mix of inoculate would enhance silage quality and protect silage from aerobic deterioration.

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