
Zakat Ummat is a zakat management unit that utilizes the zakatummat.com website to distribute zakat funds, infaq, and alms from muzakki to amil. It is known that Zakat Ummah currently has problems with complicated transaction process layouts and is also known to be developing its website by adding some improvements. Based on the evaluation results using the Heuristic Evaluation method by 3 experts, the website usability value was obtained with a value of 66.07, with the conclusion that the website does not have a search feature and the UI and UX display are not optimal. This study aims to design a user interface recommendation in the form of a prototype design using the Lean UX development method and assess the results of the design using the Heuristic Evaluation (HE), Single Ease Question (SEQ), and System Usability Scale (SUS) methods. The evaluator carried out the prototype design test using the HE method with the usability value increasing from 66.07 to 81.52. While testing by users, the usability value of each function with the SEQ method obtained a value above 6 out of 7 rating scales, and the overall usability value obtained with the SUS method with a value of 73.91, where the value is in the Acceptable range or can be accepted by the user. In addition, the prototype design based on the Lean UX method was declared successful with valid values for each hypothesis made

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