
Starting from a recent paper by Murshed (Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 25:897–911, 2011) in which a good performance of the Beta-k distribution in analyzing extreme hydrologic events is shown, in this paper, we propose the use of two new four-parameters distribution functions strongly related to the Beta-k distribution, namely the Beta-Dagum and the Beta-Singh-Maddala distributions. More in detail, the new distributions are a generalization of a reparametrization of Beta-k and Beta-p distributions, respectively. For these distributions some particular interpretations in terms of maximum and minimum of sequences of random variables can be derived and the maximal and minimal domain of attraction can be obtained. Moreover, the method of maximum likelihood, the method of moments and the method of L-moments are examined to estimate the parameters. Finally, two different applications on real data regarding maxima and minima of river flows are reported, in order to show the potentiality of these two models in the extreme events analysis.

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