Aim: The aim of this paper is to share the initial experiences on a European Union (EU) Lifelong Learning ProgrammeLeonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project related to the use of simulation-based learning with nursing studentsfrom Turkey. The project started at the end of the 2010 involving 7 partners from 3 different countries includingTurkey, England, and Italy.Methods: This project is divided into 7 work packages (WP). In this paper, experiences from the first three WPs (WP1:Preparation and dissemination of the project. WP2: Regulation of the project management. WP3: Development of theevaluation tools used to evaluate the impact of the innovative practice within the coordinating partner's institution) areshared.Results: In the WP1 and WP2: the kick-off meeting was organized in Turkey, the coordinating partner’s country.During the meeting project-related events were planned and the steering committee of the project was formed. A strongteam spirit within the partnership was established. For the dissemination of the project, a poster and flier of the projectwere prepared and placed on corporate boards visible to students and teaching staff and put on the partners’institutional websites. Regular bulletins of the project were also prepared and posted on the project website. In the WP3,student data sheet, items for students’ satisfaction questionnaire and confidence scale were created based on theliterature. Trauma patient scenarios (abdominal trauma, thoracic trauma, pelvic fracture and traumatic amputation)were created to test the target group's knowledge. Ethical approval was obtained from the coordinating partnerinstitution. A pilot study to test the cases was conducted. Following the pilot study, the final version of the student datasheet and scenario cases was created. The second meeting was organized in Italy. In this meeting, the results of the pilotstudy, the scenario cases, and the Patient Intervention Self Confidence /Competence Scale were evaluated.Conclusion: The work on this EU project is still in progress. Considering that learning from experience is an importantpart of nursing education, sharing experiences on such a project related to using simulation as an innovative teachingstrategy in nursing education in Turkey should provide an example to others who want to develop other EU projects innursing education.
In practice-based healthcare professions, methods of teaching and learning focus on enabling students to assimilate clinical knowledge and skills
In the lights of these developments in nursing education Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences, thought support from the European Union (EU) Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation program by partnering with other institutions for a project called “Use of Simulation: An Educational Strategy to Develop Clinically Competent Nurses (US:ESDCCN)” which started in December 2010 (2010-1-TR1-LEO05-16726)
Learning from experience is an important part of nursing education
In practice-based healthcare professions, methods of teaching and learning focus on enabling students to assimilate clinical knowledge and skills. The project will be contributing to this EU program’s objectives as it supports improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions, and practices. It will improve the quality and increase the volume of co-operation between institutions providing learning opportunities, companies, social partners, and other relevant bodies throughout Europe. Another aim was “to support the development of innovative Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning”. Trauma patient care includes various nursing interventions such as rapid assessment of the patient's condition, establishing venous access, protecting vital organs; and maintaining basic life functions
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