
Two soil shear strength profiles were developed using different testing procedures to determine the benefit of conducting a Stress History and Normalized Soil Engineering Parameters (SHANSEP) analysis for municipal solid waste landfill design. A series of unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression tests were conducted to develop an “initial” undrained strength soil profile; and a series of consolidated-undrained triaxial compression and extension tests were conducted to develop an “advanced” undrained strength soil profile using SHANSEP procedures. The soil profiles were used in slope stability analyses and settlement analyses. Maximum landfill heights of 59.5 feet and 85 feet (18.1 meters and 25.9 meters) were obtained using the initial and advanced soil profiles, respectively. The additional twenty-six thousand dollars in testing fees required to conduct the consolidated-undrained triaxial compression and extension tests corresponds to an additional 138 million dollars in landfill air space revenue.

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