
At forming the rations of animals feeding of there is arequirement in bulky work with plenty of certificate information: by data about content of nutritives in every type of feed, results of laboratory analysis of forage, requirements in the nutritives of animals of different sexual-age-old groups of animals. Work is considerably simplified, if all this information is kept in memory of computer as a corresponding database. Thus there is a problem of development of rational structure of such database and presence of effective methodology of work with it. The vast majority of the computer programs for the calculation of rations of feeding the animals is worked out for the environment of tabular processor of Excel, and that is why a database about forage and norms of animals feeding is mostly created by means of totality of spread sheets. However, as considerable part of information in industry of stock-raising is kept as totality of bases of the specialists of different profiles, that is worked out by facilities of MS ACCESS, given in computers, there is a requirement of creation of base of the rations of animals feeding given for a calculation in the same environment. The article deals with the rational structure of data base of food for agricultural animals as tables of ACCESS, and also methodology of creation of the system for search for information database on the set criteria.


  • The vast majority of the computer programs for the calculation of rations of feeding the animals is worked out for the environment of tabular processor of Excel, and that is why a database about forage and norms of animals feeding is mostly created by means of totality of spread sheets

  • As considerable part of information in industry of stock-raising is kept as totality of bases of the specialists of different profiles, that is worked out by facilities of MS ACCESS, given in computers, there is a requirement of creation of base of the rations of animals feeding given for a calculation in the same environment

  • The article deals with the rational structure of data base of food for agricultural animals as tables of ACCESS, and methodology of creation of the system for search for information database on the set criteria

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Застосування СУБД ACCESS при створенні бази даних кормів для годівлі сільськогосподарських тварин При формуванні раціонів годівлі тварин виникає потреба в громіздкій роботі з великою кількістю довідкової інформації: даними про вміст поживних речовин у кожному виді корму, результатами лабораторних аналізів кормів, потребами в поживних речовинах тварин різних статево-вікових груп тварин. Переважна більшість комп’ютерних програм для обчислення раціонів годівлі сільськогосподарських тварин розроблені для середовища табличного процесора Excel, а тому базу даних про корми та норми годівлі тварин найчастіше створюють за допомогою сукупності електронних таблиць.

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