
The purpose of the work: to analyze and systematize modern data on the use of means of rehabilitation of athletes specializing in short-distance running. Methodology: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature and Internet resources.
 Scientific novelty. A comprehensive approach to the use of modern means of restoring the working capacity of sprinters is presented, the effectiveness of which depends on the period of preparation in the annual cycle, specialization, volume, intensity and direction of training loads of previous and subsequent classes, microcycles, etc.Conclusions. It was noted that among the pedagogical means of recovery, it is important to use motor switching in training programs and microcycles in the form of sports games. To manage the performance of runners, selective recovery of those components that were not primarily affected during the training session, but will be mobilized during the next training session, should be carried out. It is recommended to use the entire complex of pedagogical tools for the rational construction of the sports training process. Extra-training (physical) means of recovery in the preparatory and competitive periods of the annual training of sprinters are proposed. It is recommended that track and field athletes use complexes of physical and hygienic means of recovery of the general effect after performing significant training loads, and for medium and small loads - of local effect. Pharmacological means of recovery of athletes depending on the functional state of muscles, the size and intensity of training loads are presented. The positive effect of nutrition on the course of restorative processes is indicated.

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