
To describe the characteristics of hospitalists serving Medicare beneficiaries. Medicare claims from 2009 and 2011 merged with the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System file for physician characteristics. Our construction of the Medicare Data on Physician Practice and Specialty (MD-PPAS) enabled identification of hospitalists based on the attending physician for Medicare admissions (medical and surgical) in 2009 and 2011. In 2011, hospitalists constituted 13.3% of physicians who designated their specialty as primary care and 4.4% of all physicians serving Medicare beneficiaries. Compared to other physicians, hospitalists were more likely to be female, under forty, and in large practices. More than a quarter of Medicare admissions had a hospitalist as the attending physician, though the rate was substantially higher for medical than surgical admissions (31.8% versus 11.3%). Between 2009 and 2011, the percentage of medical admissions with a hospitalist as the attending physician increased by roughly a quarter (from 25.7% to 31.8%). This analysis provides a more current and complete estimate of the use of hospitalists by the Medicare population than is available from prior studies. The ability to identify hospitalists from claims data will facilitate research on the impact of hospitalist use on quality and cost.

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