
Environmental monitoring is an important component of environmental science and helps to collect information about environmental pollution, the state of natural resources and climate. This article examines the history of the development of environmental monitoring from the first observations to modern technologies and the use of historical and practical aspects of environmental monitoring research in the preparation of students in the field of ecology 101.
 Today, environmental monitoring has become more accurate and extensive thanks to modern technologies such as drones, satellites, sensors and other means of data collection. This allows collecting data on air, water, soil and climate pollution with greater accuracy and frequency. The information collected from environmental monitoring helps to make decisions about measures to protect the environment and reduce the impact of human activities on nature. Collecting information about the state of the environment allows you to monitor the risks associated with certain types of activities, such as production, transport, construction, etc. This helps reduce risks to human health and the environment. Information collected from environmental monitoring can be used for planning and management of natural environment resources. This may include determining optimal locations for installing wind farms, solar panels, and other types of energy devices. It can also be used to teach and educate people about the state of the environment and its impact on human health and nature.
 Information gathered from environmental monitoring can help students understand human impact on the environment and develop strategies to reduce that impact. Also, this data can help in identifying problems related to air, water and soil pollution and in developing plans to solve them.
 Students can use information from environmental monitoring to conduct research and projects on ecology and nature conservation. For example, they can investigate the effectiveness of different water treatment methods or study the effects of certain types of pollution on human health and the natural environment.
 In addition, information from environmental monitoring can be used for education and conscious consumption. For example, students can learn which products are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, and make informed decisions when purchasing products.

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