
The purpose of this study was to discuss the use of gamification to students of the BIPA program at State University of Malang. The platform used a mobile application that contains elements of gamification which includes challenges, missions, badges, leaderboard and multiplayer. The results showed that the learning motivation and interest of BIPA program students were very high when they were using gamification in the classroom. This study uses a quantitative approach because information will be presented in numerical form and analyzed using statistics. To find a mobile platform that is suitable for use in gamification, a literature study is conducted to choose a mobile platform that has gamification mechanics including challenges, missions, badges, leaderboard and multiplayer. The population in the study were all BIPA program students at State University of Malang. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method with a sample of 18 people. The gamification in the BIPA program uses BIPAJAR application that has adopted gamification mechanics namely challenges, missions, badges, leaderboard and multiplayer. BIPA students were given 3 days to try BIPAJAR application. The Minimum Standards for Completion Criteria (KKM) is 70. The results of the questionnaires distributed to the students concluded that students’ interest and motivation in using gamification were quite high with a score of 78.67% and student learning progress grew by 82.35%.

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