Few studies in low- and middle-income countries have examined the use of fertility awareness-based methods (FABMs) for pregnancy prevention. Understanding the prevalence of FABM use among Ghanaian contraceptors and the characteristics and practices of users is essential. Our 2018 nationally representative survey of Ghanaian women included detailed questions on the use of rhythm and Standard Days Method/Cycle Beads (SDM). After considering multimethod use patterns, we estimated likely FABM prevalence among contraceptors, identified characteristics associated with current use of an FABM (vs. current use of a hormonal method/intrauterine device [IUD]), and described how women report using FABMs. At least 18% of contracepting Ghanaian women likely use an FABM, though this may be underreported. Among FABM users, 57% reported current use of an FABM alone; the remainder reported concurrent use of other methods. Women who were older, richer, more educated, and had fewer children had higher odds of current FABM use versus IUD/hormonal method. Although FABM users were more likely than other contraceptors to correctly identify the approximate fertile time, only 50% of FABM users did so correctly. Most (92%) rhythm users were interested in making their method use more effective. While 72% had heard of SDM, less than 25% had heard of various other ways to make the rhythm method more effective. Only 17% of rhythm users had ever discussed the method with a health professional. Rhythm users indicated substantial willingness to track additional biomarkers (e.g., daily temperature or cervical mucus) or to use a phone to enhance the effectiveness of their method, and most indicated no substantial difficulty getting partners to abstain or withdraw on fertile days. A nontrivial proportion of reproductive age Ghanaian women are using an FABM, nearly all of whom are interested in learning how to improve its effectiveness. The family planning field should better address these women's contraceptive needs in commitment to reproductive autonomy and choice.
Understanding the extent of people’s reliance on fertility awareness-based contraceptive methods (FABMs) and the characteristics and practices of such users is essential to comprehensively meeting reproductive needs
To expand understanding of fertility awareness-based method (FABM) use in LMICs, we aimed to examine the use of 2 FABMs in a nationally representative sample of Ghanaian women
When asked to spontaneously name methods used, a qualitative study of 48 Ghanaian women found that “fertility awareness methods were rarely spontaneously mentioned as a way to prevent pregnancy. . .yet counting days was almost universally used at one time or another and participants described it as a taken-for-granted part of a woman’s life.”[34]. Other studies suggest that women using multiple methods may potentially report only condom use,[12] unless, for example, she is asked about the use of all potential methods
Understanding the extent of people’s reliance on fertility awareness-based contraceptive methods (FABMs) and the characteristics and practices of such users is essential to comprehensively meeting reproductive needs. A concise introduction to FABMs can be found elsewhere.[1] In brief, FABMs aim to identify the span of days during each menstrual cycle when sexual intercourse is most likely to result in pregnancy Fertility Awareness-Based Method Use in Ghana www.ghspjournal.org “fertile window”). Depending on the requirements of the specific FABM, users track changes in 1 or more fertility biomarkers (e.g., menstrual start dates, basal body temperatures, cervical mucus or cervical position, and urinary hormone metabolites) in attempts to identify their fertile window during each menstrual cycle. Certain FABMs can be used to either plan or prevent pregnancy. If pregnancy prevention is desired, users can either avoid penile-vaginal intercourse or use other methods (e.g., barrier methods, withdrawal, etc.) on days the method identifies as fertile
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