
The article is devoted to the coverage of an urgent problem in forensic science regarding the use of collection samples in the process of performing forensic examinations.A modern forensic examination usually cannot be conducted unless the initial data is supplemented with scientific information contained in various sources: natural sample collections, scientific and technical literature, diagrams, catalogs, and regulatory and technical documentation. Solving expert tasks involves processing a large amount of information. The availability of the necessary information in the arsenal of forensic experts and forensic scientists largely determines the successful process and completion of the investigation.The objects of forensic research are: material evidence, documents, objects, animals, people, corpses and their parts, samples for comparative research, as well as case materials in respect of which forensic examination is carried out.Reference and auxiliary records of the forensic registration system are a means of solving various expert tasks, as they ensure the accumulation, processing, storage, search and rational use of auxiliary objects and reference information about them.Different types of collections help experts to study a variety of objects, navigate a large amount of information, develop observation skills, the ability to correctly assess features and isolate them. For example, during seminars, training sessions, internships, etc. on improving the effectiveness of the use of forensic tools and methods in the fight against crime, as well as during training and retraining sessions for expert personnel in the areas of activity, the relevant types of natural collections are demonstrated in the lecture topics.

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