Basic problems in the use of the behavioral sciences and of the content of social work ed sciences in social work education may be ucation without first recognizing that in categorized as at least four in number. They ternal divisions and divisiveness currently are the problems of identity, se- characterize both fields, lection, and reintegration for use. These Social work educators, concerned ulti four classifications provide boundaries and mately with the modification of conditions a sequence for this paper. Under the head- under which man's life becomes stressful, ing of segments, I shall refer to the com- must search widely for basic knowledge partmentalization of both graduate social about such conditions. The compartments work education and of the behavioral sci- of the biological, psychological, and social enees, situations which complicate efforts to sciences are multiple. Arguments as to first use the latter in the former. The term iden- cause among specialists in soma, in psyche, tity introduces a proposal as to what the and in social systems mystify the social integrated pieces of graduate social work worker who daily sees clients with bodies, education are, in behavioral science terms, with memories and motives, responding The section on selection brings us to il- and adding to a society's cultural, economic, lustrative questions to guide our sorties into and political pressures, past and present, the literature of the behavioral sciences. It is the nature of all sciences to delimit
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