T HE increased apphcation of total gastrectomy in the treatment of maIignant neopIasm of the stomach has been associated with concern about gastrointestina1 function after this procedure. The progress of most patients who have survived for proIonged periods after tota remova of the stomach has been satisfactory. 2** However, certain probIems have been encountered in the management of others. Three principal disturbances are encountered after tota gastrectomy, (I) regurgitation of intestina1 contents, (2) nutritiona disturbances and (3) anemia. Interest in correction of these has stimuIated the empIoyment of various types of gastric reservoirs foIIowing tota gastrectomy.3 The present paper is a report of our experiences when a segment of jejunum has been interposed between the esophagus and the duodenum after tota gastrectomy. A preIiminary report on the first seven patients was published in 1952.
Published Version
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