
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, US interests in the newly independent states of Central Asia were somewhat limited. However, with new developments, the region strategically became important for the US. The main reasons are the energy resources of Central Asia, the region's strategic geographical location, US involvement in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and post NATO/US army exit situation in the region and Afghanistan and the threat of reemergence of Taliban. It seems that the US followed a policy of democracy,human rights, the rule of law and development but at the same time had military bases in CARs to keep an eye over Afghanistan and neighboring regions. However, there is a shift in regional dynamics, which will not allow the US to keep its hold over the region. This research work divided the US policy in the Central Asian region into different periods, which are the post-Soviet era, post 9/11, post-2014 and post-US army exit from Afghanistan 2021.

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