
China and the United States have been talking past each other on a variety of issues ever since the normalization process began. To some extent, this enables each side to avoid repercussions from domestic critics and facilitate correct diplomatic relations. But on matters that broadly concern trade, the military, and Taiwan, it can cause considerable friction. Many of the more unpleasant episodes between the two nations have arisen as a result of unexpected and unpredictable events. The United States should address what of the trade imbalance is due to internal shortcomings before pressing the Chinese government to make changes in its economic system. While Washington should be mindful of the security dilemma, it would be unwise to ignore the implications of the PRC's continuing military buildup. Statements of peaceful intentions do not necessarily mean that peace is assured. Iterations of unambiguous commitment to the peaceful resolution of the status of Taiwan are important to the maintenance of peace. The United States and China are linked by market forces that Washington encouraged the creation of. America and China can get along without being enamored of each other's social system.

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