
Miller, Owen & Emmens (1968) described the changes in uridine incorporation into uterine and vaginal RNA during early pregnancy and pseudopregnancy in the mouse and discussed their significance. A large increase in uridine incorporation occurred in the uteri in both conditions between 10.30 hr. on day 2 and 10.30 hr. on day 3, with a further increase from day 4 onwards only in the uteri of pregnant mice. The former increase is in both cases believed to reflect increasing ovarian oestrogen secretion, a conclusion supported by the studies of Finn & Martin (1967), Martin & Finn (1968) and Galassi (1968). In view of the widely held belief in a discrete surge of ovarian oestrogen on day 4 of pregnancy in the rat (Tic, Marcus & Shelesnyak, 1967) it was considered desirable to study the corresponding changes in this species. Randomly bred female rats of the Wistar strain, weighing 200–280 g.,

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