
The objective of this study was to report a case of urethral obstruction in a neutered, three-year-old male Brazilian Shorthair cat. Urethral obstruction is a frequent and urgent urological issue encountered in veterinary clinics, typically affecting male cats due to the anatomical structure of their long and narrow urethra. This condition can be triggered by factors such as urethral plugs, urinary stones (uroliths), tumors, or muscle disorders. Certain factors like diet, low fluid intake, stress, obesity, and poor management can elevate the risk for these animals to develop uroliths, which can in turn cause urethral obstruction. Commonly observed clinical symptoms include excessive penis licking, perineuria, painful urination (dysuria), and frequent small urinations (pollakiuria). In this reported case, the cat demonstrated recurrent urinary retention and obstruction. Upon clinical examination, the cat appeared lethargic, dehydrated, and showed normal coloration with significant abdominal tenderness. Its bladder was distended and firm to the touch. The patient was stabilized and underwent a relieving cystocentesis. Following this, the cat was hospitalized and a urethral catheterization was performed to remove the obstruction. However, later in the day, the condition recurred, and a cystotomy was conducted. The study concludes by emphasizing that quick and accurate diagnosis is crucial in minimizing the harmful effects caused by urethral obstruction. Furthermore, decisive and personalized treatment is key to maintaining the animal's quality of life, wellbeing, and overall health.

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