
The concept of Child rights in Islam is as old as Islam is. Hazrat Muhammadﷺ focused on two major aspects regarding children one is their right to life with all basic necessities and secondly on their nourishment, education and civilization irrespective of any form of discrimination. While on the other hand, in western world, this concept was given in middle Ages only up to this extent that the children were called as “small adults”. Only there are three turns in history in which this topic of child rights was focused seriously with practical approach but with discriminatory behaves, after world war 1st (1914-1918) in 1919 by Eglantyne Jebb, an English woman, established an organization as “Save the Children Fund” for rehabilitation of European children, affected by war. In 1946 after world war 2nd (1939-1945), “UNICEF” in 1953 was established, with the aim of restoration of children affected by war and then in 1989, the most successful and universally accepted child rights convention was held as UNCRC, 1989. In Pakistan many NGO’s are working on child rights from which Akhuwat Foundation and Saylani Welfare Trust are most prominent. Most importantly, the major role is being played by madrassas and jamiaat by providing free of cost children education, medical and residence. Therefore, it can be said that the participation and services provided by these religious centers (madarassas, dini marakaz, jamiaat and mosques) are more than any other national or international NGO’s and organizations including institutions backed by Government as well.


  • Abstract music has dominated its place with all the extra-curricular activities and areas of life these days but it has become part and parcel of solid research and academic discussions

  • A large segment of Muslims is considering it a religious obligation to boycott music. It seems that this issue will create a divide between Muslim Ummah especially when Naat and other such religious recitations have been undergoing contamination with it

  • At different places in Holy Quran discouraging words have been used for musical instruments condemning them depending upon their tunes without taking their names directly

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‫بیایاتکےپسمنظرمیںبھیہلکاسازڈالکراسوۃحسنۃاکیامیناممیںقابقبولبنارہےہیں۔رسالمآبصلى الله عليه وسلمکیولادتکےضمن‬ ‫میںربیعالاولکاماہ شہرترکھاہے‪،‬جسکیمناسسےبعضحلقےاسلامیطرززندگیکاایمختلفاسلوب‪،‬عواممیںمتعارفکروانے‬ ‫پرمصرہیں۔اوریہسسیرتالنبیصلى الله عليه وسلماورمحبترسولصلى الله عليه وسلمکےیامپہقروغیارہاہے‪ ،‬پسیہضروریہےکہدیکھاجائےکہقرآنکریم‬ ‫سےاسضمنمیںکیاراہنمائیملتیہے؟یہیوہسوالہےجواسموضوعکوتحقیقیاصولوںپرپرکھنےکیاہمیتکودوچندکردیتاہےلذاذیلکے‬ ‫صفحاتمیںاسموضوعپرقرآنحکیمکیروشنیمیںاسلامکےحکمکوسمجھنےاورموسیقیاورگانےکیشرعیحیثیتکاتحقیقیجاترہلینےکیکوشش‬ ‫کیگئیہے۔ بعوناللہتعالیٰقرآنمجیدمیںتراہراسسازکےمختلفآلاتکےیاملئےبغیراپنےمخصوصاسلوبکےمطابقاسسلسلہمیں‬ ‫بھیایسےالفاظواسماءکاتذکرہمذمتیاندازمیںکیاگیہےجنسےمعنویوسعتپیداہوسکے۔کثیرمقاماتپرقرآنمجیدوقرقانحمیدکااسلوبیہ‬ ‫ہےکہوہکسیبھیشےکےیارےمیںاصولیحکم‪،‬اسکیمختلفصورتوں‪،‬ملتیجلتیحالتوںاورحدودوشرائطکومدنظررکھتےہوئےیاتوتوسعفی‬ ‫المعنیپیداکرنےکےلئےانسبالفاظواسماءاستعمالکریاہےیاپھرعدمگنجائشکیبناپرمعنویضیقکےاظہارکےلیےایسےالفاظوکنایاتکو‬ ‫استعمالکریاہےجواپنےلغوی‪،‬لسانی‪،‬معاشرتاورعلمیوثقافتیپسمنظرمیںاسکےلیےموزوںترینہوتےہیں۔کلماتوکردارکےساتھ’’‬ ‫اسوۃحسنۃا‘‘کیحفاظتکیحقیقیکدوکاوشکرنےوالےصحابہکرامرضیاللہعنہمسےمرویتفسیریاقوالوروایاتکےمطابقسازکیشرعی‬. TOPIC: Music and its Instruments an analytical Study in the light of Qura’nic Verses Dr Atiq Amjad, Associate professor, Islamic Studies & Principal: Govt. Dr Saima Farooq, Associate professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore College For Women University. Dr Zahida Shabnum, Associate professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Lahore College for Women University.

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