
The inoceramid bivalve faunas from the Arnager Greensand, Arnager Limestone, and Bavnodde Greensand Formations of the island of Bornholm, Denmark are described. The fauna from the basal part of the Arnager Greensand s. str. is from the Lower Middle Cenomanian and includes Inoceramus crippsi Mantell, /. crippsi hoppenstedtensis Trager, and I. schoendorfi Heinz. The Arnager Limestone at its type locality immediately west of Arnager yielded a diverse fauna, including /. waltersdorfensis cf. hannovrensis Heinz, /. lusatiae Andert, I. cf. rotundatus Fiege, /. striatoconcentricus Gumbel, I. (Heroceramus) cf. hercules Heinz, I. cf. wandereri Andert, I. cf. annulatus Goldfuss, I. cf. renngarteni Bodilevski & Schulgina, and/. (Mytiloides) incertus Jimbo. This fauna is Lower Coniacian. I. cf. lusatiae and /. cf. guerichi Heinz are recorded from the top part of the formation east of Horsemyre Odde, which is Lower Coniacian. /. (Cremnoceramus) schloenbachi Bohm from the upper Lower Coniacian is reported from the Arnager Limestone Formation at Muleby. /. (Volviceramus) koeneni Muller and /. (V.) alievimussensis lvannikov occur in 4 the top part of the Arnager Limestone Formation at Stampe A; this fauna is probably Lower Middle Coniacian. The fauna of the Bavnodde Greensand Formation at the type locality consists of /. (Sphenoceramus) pachti cf. pachti Arkhangelsky and /. (S.) cardissoides Goldfuss which are Lower, but not lowest, Santonian. At Risenholm, the formation yielded I. (S.) subcardissoides Schluter, I. (S.) cardissoides, I. (S. ?) bornholmensis n. sp., /. (S.) sp. ex gr. pachtilcardissoides, and incomplete, poorly preserved inoceramids possibly belonging to the I. (Magadiceramus) subquadratus group; this fauna is basal Santonian. The fauna of the formation at Jydegard comprises I. (S. ?) bornholmensis n. sp. and /. (S.) sp. ex gr. pachti/cardissoides, and the formation here is lowest Santonian and possibly highest Coniacian. The Cenomanian-Santonian lithostratigraphic formations of Bornholm are reviewed and their ages are discussed with regard to various fossil groups, including inoceramid bivalves, ammonites, belemnites, and foraminifera. Locality details are given.


  • The inoceramid bivalve faunas from the Arnager Greensand, Arnager Limestone, and Bavnodde Greensand Formations of the island of Bornholm, Denmark are described

  • The Cenomanian-Santonian lithostratigraphic formations of Bornholm are reviewed and their ages are discussed with regard to various fossil groups, including inoceramid bivalves, ammonites, belemnites, and foraminifera

  • The aim of the present paper is to describe the inoceramid bivalve faunas from the Upper Cretaceous of Bornholm and to discuss their stratigraphical significance

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Arnager Greensand Formation

The ammonites of the Arnager Limestone at the type locality west of Arnager and east of Horsemyre Odde were described by Kennedy & Christensen (in press) They recorded five species , including the age diagnostic Scaphites (S.) kieslingswaldensis kieslingswaldensis Langenhan & Grundey and Peroniceras tridorsatum (Schluter). According to Bailey et al (1983) this zone ranges in southern England from the Hope Point Marl , which is low in the Middle Coniacian to immediately above the Whitaker's 3-inch Flint Band, which is lower to middle Middle Santonian This is at variance with the dating of the formations based on ammonites , inoceramid bivalves, and belemn ites. Inoceramus waltersdorferrsis waltersdorfensis Andert Inoceramus waltersdorfensis hannovrensis Heinz Inoceramus rotunda/us Fiege Inoceramus lusatiae Andert Inoceramus (Cremnoceramus) schloenbachi BOhm lnoceramus wandereri Andert Inoceramus (Volviceramus) koeneni Muller. Jnoceramus (Sphenoceramus) pachti Archangelsky lnoceramus (Sphenoceramus) cardissoides Goldfuss lnoceramus (Cordiceramus) cordiformis SowertJy

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