
This paper uses W. M. Schmidt’s idea formulated in 1967 to generalise the classical theory of Diophantine approximation to subspaces of ℝ n . Given two subspaces of ℝ n , A and B of respective dimensions d and e, with d+e⩽n, the proximity between A and B is measured by t=min(d,e) canonical angles 0⩽θ 1 ⩽⋯⩽θ t ⩽π/2; we set ψ j (A,B)=sinθ j . If B is a rational subspace, its complexity is measured by its height H(B)=covol(B∩ℤ n ). We denote by μ n (A|e) j the exponent of approximation defined as the upper bound (possibly equal to +∞) of the set of β>0 such that for infinitely many rational subspaces B of dimension e, the inequality ψ j (A,B)⩽H(B) -β holds. We are interested in the minimal value μ ˚ n (d|e) j taken by μ n (A|e) j when A ranges through the set of subspaces of dimension d of ℝ n such that for all rational subspaces B of dimension e one has dim(A∩B)<j. We show that if A is included in a rational subspace F of dimension k, its exponent in ℝ n is the same as its exponent in ℝ k via a rational isomorphism F→ℝ k . This allows us to deduce new upper bounds for μ ˚ n (d|e) j . We also study the values taken by μ n (A|e) e when A is a subspace of ℝ n satisfying dim(A∩B)<e for all rational subspaces B of dimension e.

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