The Sierras de Córdoba (Argentina) is a mountain belt located in the most distal (pericratonic) part of the South-Central Andean foreland, in the easternmost end of the Sierras Pampeanas (Pampean ranges) broken foreland. Although this region is considered an excellent example for settings where basement thrusting generates relief and intermontane basin systems, hundreds of kilometers away from the Cordilleran front, the driving mechanisms and main controls on topography are still poorly understood. Given that the landscape, and particularly the rivers, react to changes in climate and tectonics on timescales between 103 and 106 yrs, we used DEM-based morphometry (elevation patterns, local relief, and analysis of 242 longitudinal stream profiles) to evaluate the main controls on modern topography. We focus on the morphologies of the main streams and their tributaries using metrics of the channel concavity and normalized channel steepness index (ksn). The distribution of local relief, concavity and ksn values was compared with the present-day topography, tectonic structures, rock-type and modern rainfall patterns. The stream longitudinal profiles show homogeneous concavities and ksn background values, with some local anomalies. Local structures (east and west vergent thrusts) in the Sierras de Córdoba seem to be the most fundamental controls on the formation of these anomalies, slope-break knickpoints as well as deep incision (high local relief). This suggests localized and accelerated rock uplift rates, which produce localized increases in the gradient along the longitudinal stream profile. It is important to notice that the highest ksn values were reported on the eastern range flanks, coincident with the highest values of mean annual rainfall. However, high ksn values appear to be maintained even with greater rainfall. Our study provides new insights on the Neogene Sierra de Córdoba uplift evolution, which will assist future sampling and modelling (cosmogenic nuclides analysis, thermochronology and GPS analysis).
Published Version
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