
After the 2021 spring campaign, EAST (Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak) facility carried out maintenance. EAST data acquisition system, which is responsible for the unified diagnostic data acquisition and long-term data storage, also has been upgraded. This article will present an overview of the upgrade data acquisition system. The EAST data acquisition system consists of a DAQ console, DAQ units, and data storage database. The DAQ console is used to manage the data acquisition configuration information and control the data acquisition workflow. The old DAQ console has been developed for many years, however, it has become inadequate with increasing of data acquisition units. After upgrade, it is replaced by a data acquisition workflow control program and a configuration management module. The configuration management module provides a website based on Spring Boot framework for administrator and diagnostic users to manage the DAQ units, data storage servers, and signal conditioning equipment, while the data acquisition workflow control program runs as a Linux service. Up to 65 DAQ units with about 4000 channels are distributed in different physical positions for different diagnostic systems. The raw diagnostic data acquired by DAQ units is quasi-real-time transferred to the data storage database. The data acquisition driver plugin has been updated for various kinds of data acquisition cards. The data server cluster keeps these data with MDSPlus for long-term storage. The upgraded data acquisition system has been used in the EAST campaign.

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