
Clinical value of pelvimetry in modern obstetrics practices has never been established and normal values are set since the middle of the twentieth century. The aim of this study was to describe current dimensions of pelvis in a female French Caucasian population. A retrospective, bi-centric observational study was conducted from August 2013 to August 2019 in two French departments of Obstetrics. We included all Caucasian women who had a computed tomography pelvimetry during pregnancy. The primary outcome was the values of the obstetric transverse diameter, obstetric conjugate diameter and bispinous diameter. Five hundred and fifty-one CT pelvimetries were analyzed. The median Obstetric Transverse Diameter (OTD) was 12.41 cm and the 3rd percentile was 11 cm. The median Obstetric Conjugate Diameter (OCD) was 12.2 cm and the 3rd percentile was 10.5 cm. The median Bispinous Diameter (BSD) in our data collection was 10.9 cm and the 3rd percentile was 9.3 cm. A significant correlation coefficient between women’s height and OTD, OCD and BSD was found. In our study, the OCD and the BSD have not evolved since the middle of the twentieth century. The obstetric transverse diameter was smaller than the standard currently used.

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