
Background . The prevalence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in general and recurrent lower UTIs, in particular, constantly remains at a high level. Currently, more and more researchers are attempting to study the microbial biocenosis of the urinary tract in patients with UTIs in terms of the relationship between UTIs and patient's colon microbiota in order to detail the etiology and pathogenesis of these conditions as an insufficiently studied issue. Objectives. To study the microbiota of urine and colon, as well as significant correlations in these biotopes. Materials and methods . 169 patients with recurrent lower UTIs from the Urology Clinic and the Department of Microbiology and Virology No. 1 (Rostov State Medical University) were examined. Average age: 36.2 ± 4.7 years. Midstream urine samples for bacteriological examination was taken in accordance with the rules set out in the Clinical recommendations (2014) exactly observing the preanalytical stage. The study of the colon microbiota as well as the collection of material was carried out in accordance with the rules set forth in the industry standard (OS) OST 915000. 11.0004 - 2003, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 231 of 09/09/03. Guided by this standard, the interpretation of the results was conducted. Results' statistical processing was implemented using the SPSS version 23 package. Results. In patients with recurrent lower UTIs two significant quantitative correlation coefficients were detected. The first correlation coefficient showed inverse correlation between typical E. coli isolated from urine and Eubacterium spp. isolated from feces (r = -0.434, p = 0.009). The second correlation coefficient showed a direct correlation between the amount of Lactobacilli isolated from urine and Coalulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) isolated from feces, accordingly (r = -0.434, p = 0.009). When comparing the frequencies of detection of various microbiota taxa, three significant correlation coefficient were found in the loci under study: between Lactobacilli or Peptococci isolated from urine and CoNS verified in feces (PCC - 0.342, p = 0.031 and PCC - 0.341, p = 0.018, respectively), as well as between Peptococci detected in urine and Enterococci in feces (PCC - 0.349, p = 0.028). Conclusion. The data we obtained on significant correlation coefficients between microorganisms isolated from urine and colon indirectly confirm the translocation mechanism. Undoubtedly, further research is needed to study the mechanism of translocation of microorganisms from the intestines and other biotopes into the organs of the urinary system in order to understand the pathogenesis of this common group of diseases.


  • The prevalence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in general and recurrent lower UTIs, in particular, constantly remains at a high level

  • More and more researchers are attempting to study the microbial biocenosis of the urinary tract in patients with UTIs in terms of the relationship between UTIs and patient’s colon microbiota in order to detail the etiology and pathogenesis of these conditions as an insufficiently studied issue

  • The second correlation coefficient showed a direct correlation between the amount of Lactobacilli isolated from urine and Coalulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) isolated from feces, (r = -0.434, p = 0.009)

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Изучение микробиоты мочи и толстого кишечника, а также значимых корреляционных связей в данных биотопах. Исследование микробиоты толстого кишечника, а также забор материала проводили в соответствии с правилами, изложенными в отраслевом стандарте (ОС) ОСТ 915000. При сравнении частот обнаружения различных таксонов микробиоты в изучаемых локусах обнаружены три значимых коэффициента взаимной сопряжённости: между лактобациллами или пептококками, выделенными из мочи и КОС, верифицированными в фекалиях (КВС – 0,342, p=0,031 и КВС – 0,341, p=0,018 соответственно), а также между пептококками обнаруженными в моче и энтерококками в фекалиях (КВС – 0,349, p=0,028). Полученные нами данные о значимых коэффициентах корреляции между микроорганизмами, выделенными из мочи и толстого кишечника, косвенно подтверждают транслокационный механизм. Иванов МИКРОБИОТА МОЧИ И ТОЛСТОГО КИШЕЧНИКА У ЖЕНЩИН С РЕЦИДИВИРУЮЩЕЙ НЕОСЛОЖНЁННОЙ ИНФЕКЦИЕЙ НИЖНИХ МОЧЕВЫХ ПУТЕЙ

Материалы и методы
Результаты и обсуждение
Микроорганизмы Microorganisms
Максимум Max
Industry standard
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