
Scientific publication is one of teacher�s duty to increase their rank, form III/b to III/c. Base on interview with Senior High School teachers at Pesisir Selatan regency, we know that difficult for them to produce scientific publication caused by their ability on choosing data analysis technique which relevant to their case, teachers cannot use the statistical software because its not familiar for them, and they have low quality in interpreting data analysis result. To solve the problems, we offer a workshop of data analysis on scientific writing using statistical software. The target audiences of this workshop is a Group of Teachers on Mathematics Major (MGMP) in Pesisir Selatan. In this workshop, participants are given the basic concept and how to write a scientific writing, basic concept of statistics, and introduction to statistical software i.e. Minitab and SPSS. Beside that, with practical work, the participants learn how to use statistical software and interpretate the data analysis result. Result of the workshops are (1) increasing the ability of participants skills on analysis the data using statistical software and interpretate it.


  • Guru sebagai tenaga profesional mem punyai fungsi, peran, dan kedudukan yang sangat penting dalam mencapai visi pendidikan

  • To solve the problems, we offer a workshop of data analysis on scientific writing using statistical software

  • Intricacies of Statistical Inference and Teachers’ Understandings of Them

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Metode yang digunakan untuk memecah kan masalah penelitian ini adalah metode des kriptif, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis dan mengiterpretasikan objek sebagaimana ada nya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik pretest-post test dan teknik observasi. Untuk melihat kemampuan awal res ponden terlebih dahulu dilakukan pretest dan untuk melihat peningkatan kemampuan respon den di akhir kegiatan dilakukan post-test. Selan jutnya untuk melihat keterampilan responden dalam melakukan analisis data dilakukan obser vasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalaisis menggu nakan analisis deskritif dan analisis inferensial

Dasar Statistika
Materi Pelatihan
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