
Effective education relies on intentional and planned efforts to create a conducive learning environment and facilitate active student development in various aspects. This study aimed to address the challenges of communication and classroom management in the context of primary education. The research adopted a descriptive approach and qualitative methodology to provide an objective representation of the situation. Observations conducted at SD Sains Al-Biruni revealed communication problems between teachers and students, monotonous teaching methods, and ineffective classroom management. These issues hindered the learning process, including the delivery of instructions and student engagement. The study sought to identify the obstacles in communication between teachers and students during instructional activities and propose strategies to overcome these challenges. Additionally, it aimed to explore effective classroom management techniques that would promote a positive learning environment. Findings emphasized the importance of effective communication, diverse teaching methods, and well-implemented classroom management to enhance the quality of education, student performance, participation, and minimize conflicts. Teachers should prioritize developing communication skills and employing engaging teaching strategies to establish an optimal learning atmosphere.

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