
<p><em>The purposes of this study was to identify the condition of agricultural labor; know the causes, impacts and strategies to reduce the shift of the youth labor from agricultural to non-agricultural sector. This research was conducted in Bantul, Gunungkidul, Kulon Progo and Sleman regency in 2015. The results showed that the number of households and agricultural enterprises in DIY decrease. The participation of youth in agricultural sector had been decline and the age of agricultural labor DIY was dominated by the farmers over 60 years. Factors which push the shift of the youth from agricultural to non-agricultural was the bigger income on non-agricultural sector, negative image of agriculture, increase of education, narrow land ownership and ease of rural accessibility. While the factors of pull the youth was financial, parental inheritance and government incentives. The impacts of this condition was decrease of the effectiveness and efficiency of agriculture; the scarcity of agricultural labor and increase of the wage. To overcome this, it is necessary to increase the role of youth in the farmers' institutions; introduction of agriculture through early childhood education; improve the quality of agricultural actors; develope integrated agriculture; strengthen cooperative farming; agricultural insurance and marketing guarantees.</em></p>


  • Abstrak Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kondisi tenaga kerja sektor pertanian; penyebab, dampak dan strategi untuk mengurangi pergeseran angkatan kerja muda dari sektor pertanian ke non pertanian

  • The results showed that the number of households and agricultural enterprises in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) decrease

  • Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan 14 (1): 1-14

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Gambaran Umum Tenaga Kerja Pertanian di DIY Sektor pertanian di DIY mengalami penurunan tenaga kerja yang cukup besar dalam 1 dekade terakhir. Penurunan rumah tangga pertanian terjadi hampir di seluruh kabupaten di DIY dengan penurunan absolut terbesar di Sleman dan penurunan secara persentase terbesar ada di Kota Yogyakarta. Penurunan rumah tangga pertanian di DIY terjadi pada subsektor tanaman pangan, hortikultura, perkebunan dan peternakan. Penurunan terbesar pada subsektor hortikultura dengan persentase 19,13% dalam 1 dekade terakhir. Sedangkan usaha perikanan mengalami kenaikan jumlah rumah tangga yang mengusahakan dimana kenaikan terbesar subsektor mengalami penurunan usaha untuk usaha perikanan darat. Kenaikan jumlah pertanian berbadan hukum, kecuali subsektor rumah tangga juga terjadi pada usaha tanaman pangan. Usaha pertanian berbadan hukum di DIY peternakan sedangkan perusahaan pertanian dari tahun 2003 ke 2013 mengalami berbadan hUkum yang mengalami kenaikan penurunan sebesar 54,55%. Tabel 1 Jumlah Usaha Pertanian menurut Kabupaten/Kota dan Pelaku Usaha Tahun 2003 dan 2013

Perusahaan Pertanian Berbadan
Total Tenaga Kerja di DIY
Petani Utama
Faktor Pendorong Pergeseran Tenaga
Dampak Pergeseran Tenaga Kerja
Kebijakan yang dapat disusun dalam
Ekonomi Tertentu Berlandaskan
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