
Mada na fokasi ni viambajengo vya sentensi za Kiswahili kwa mkabala wa kipragmatiki. Mada hutokea kabla ya kitenzi ilhali fokasi hutokea mara baada ya kitenzi. Hata hivyo, unyambuaji wa kitenzi husababisha upanguaji, uongezaji au uondoaji wa viambajengo vya kabla au baada ya kitenzi. Kwa hiyo, lengo la makala haya ni kupambanua athari za unyambuaji wa kitenzi katika usimbaji wa mada na fokasi katika sentensi za Kiswahili. Data za makala haya zilikusanywa kwa kutumia mbinu ya upitiaji wa nyaraka kutoka kitabu cha Maendeleo ya Uhusika kilichoandikwa na Khamis (2008). Data ya utafiti huu imechambuliwa kwa mkabala wa kitaamuli. Aidha, uchanganuzi wa data uliongozwa na Nadharia ya Upanguaji wa Umbo la Kifonetiki ya Kidwai (1999). Utafiti huu umebaini kuwa unyambuaji wa kitenzi husababisha upanguaji wa mada na fokasi katika sentensi. Mathalani, mada na fokasi husimbwa katika viambajengo vilivyobakia katika sentensi baada ya unyambuaji wa utendano na utendeka. Katika unyambuaji wa utendea, fokasi huhamia kwenye kiambajengo kilichoongezeka. Kwa upande wa unyambuaji tendeshi, kiambajengo kinachoongezwa katika utendeshi husimbwa kama mada. Vilevile, utendwa hubadili viambajengo vilivyokuwa mada kuwa fokasi na kinyume chake. Utafiti mwingine unaweza kuchunguza usimbaji wa fokasi katika utendua, utendama, utendata au mwambatano wa kauli zaidi ya moja katika kitenzi. Dhana za Msingi: Mada, fokasi, usimbaji, unyambuaji wa kitenzi Topic and focus are pragmatic constituents in Swahili sentences. Topic precedes the verb, while focus appears immediately after verb. However, Swahili verbal extensions lead to change in the position of verbal arguments, an increase in the number of verbal arguments and a reduction in the number of verbal arguments. The purpose of this paper was to examine the effect of verbal extensions on encoding topic and focus in Swahili sentences. Documentary review was used to collect data from a book entitled ‘Maendeleo ya Uhusika’ by Khamis (2008). The data was analyzed using a qualitative approach. The study was guided by Phonetic Form Scrambling Theory by Kidwai (1999). The fundings of this study show change in the position of topic and focus after verbal extension have been added in Swahili sentences. For example, in reciprocal and stative constructions, topic and focus are encoded in remaining constituents after some of them have been dropped. In addition, the applicative verb encodes new focus, while the causative encodes a new topic. Furthermore, in the passive verb extension, topic changes into focus, and vice versa. The study suggests further research into other extensions such as the reversive, contactive and positional. A study could also be done on combined verb extensions in Swahili sentences. Keywords: Topic, focus, verb extension, encoding and verb argument

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