
To develop and evaluate a phase unwrapping method for cine phase contrast MRI based on graph cuts. A proposed Iterative Graph Cuts method was evaluated in 10 cardiac patients with two-dimensional flow quantification which was repeated at low venc settings to provoke wrapping. The images were also unwrapped by a path-following method (ROMEO), and a Laplacian-based method (LP). Net flow was quantified using semi-automatic vessel segmentation. High venc images were also wrapped retrospectively to asses the residual amount of wrapped voxels. The absolute net flow error after unwrapping at venc = 100cm/s was 1.8mL, which was 0.83mL smaller than for LP. The repeatability error at high venc without unwrapping was 2.5mL. The error at venc = 50cm/s was 7.5mL, which was 8.2mL smaller than for ROMEO and 5.7mL smaller than for LP. For retrospectively wrapped images with synthetic venc of 100/50/25cm/s, the residual amount of wrapped voxels was 0.00/0.12/0.79%, which was 0.09/0.26/8.0percentage points smaller than for LP. With synthetic venc of 25cm/s, omitting magnitude information resulted in 3.2 percentage points more wrapped voxels, and only spatial/temporal unwrapping resulted in 4.6/21 percentage points more wrapped voxels compared to spatiotemporal unwrapping. Iterative Graph Cuts enables unwrapping of cine phase contrast MRI with very small errors, except for at extreme blood velocities, with equal or better performance compared to ROMEO and LP. The use of magnitude information and spatiotemporal unwrapping is recommended.

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