
In the flame cells of Multicotyle purvisi apical processes of the ciliary membranes were found which penetrate into the cytoplasm. There are no pores (nephrostomes) in the membrane enclosing the internal chamber of the flame cell. Filaments arranged predominantly concentrically occur in the periphery of the external chamber. The flame cell is followed by a strongly convoluted capillary with microvilli at its surface. The larger capillaries and ducts have numerous surface lamellae. Their wall is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath. Larger ducts contain also bundles of tube-like structures. Non-terminal (lateral) ciliary tufts occur in the larger ducts but not in the main canals. The walls of the terminal portions of the main canals in the adult have a spongy structure, in the larva they are lamellated. The phylogeny of the parasitic platyhelminths on the basis of the ultrastructure of the protonephridial system and the function of this system are discussed.

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