
In the aspect of modern approaches to the study of art creativity unusual narrative can be considered to be the author’s technique of fixing of actions and events through the associative grip of memory and imagination domains. In this case the reader perceives the domain of memory on the background of the imagination domain. The unreliable narration focuses the reader’s attention on the mental processes that occur in the mind of the storyteller, who is characterized by a specific mentality, lack of social adaptation and other similar ontological features. The story-teller himself/herself distances from the actual course of events, suffers from the psychological trauma and on initiating the story he/she tries « to heal» from the pain caused by these injuries. The sense of loss, guilt and extreme despair inevitably affect the manner of narrative storytelling. We can say that the goal of the unreliable narration is to put to the forefront the characteristics of the narrator’s psychological state, make the focus on his/her inner life and the ironic understanding of the reality. The narrator’s comments on the reality are not consistent with the concept of the sound judgment. Author’s fixing the narrator’s alarmed consciousness is considered to be the most consistent features of the unreliable narration.

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