
Male infertility is a multifactorial condition influenced by epigenetic regulation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Oxidative stress-induced damage leads to epigenetic modifications, disrupting gene expression crucial for spermatogenesis and fertilization. Paternal exposure to oxidative stress induces transgenerational epigenetic alterations, potentially impacting male fertility in offspring. Mitochondrial dysfunction impairs sperm function, while leukocytospermia exacerbates oxidative stress-related sperm dysfunction. Therefore, this review focuses on understanding these mechanisms as vital for developing preventive strategies, including targeting oxidative stress-induced epigenetic changes and implementing lifestyle modifications to prevent male infertility. This study investigates how oxidative stress affects the epigenome and sperm production, function, and fertilization. Unravelling the molecular pathways provides valuable insights that can advance our scientific understanding. Additionally, these findings have clinical implications and can help to address the significant global health issue of male infertility.

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