After the two major nuclear accidents in history considered to be beyond-design-basis accidents (BDBA) – the Chernobyl Reactor Four explosion in Ukraine (1986) and the Fukushima Daiichi accident in Japan (2011), the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other countries have included in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), a new chapter (19) dedicated to the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) and Severe Accident Analysis (SAA), with significant damage to the reactor core. The Safety Analysis Report (SAR) is the most important document used by a regulatory body to assess the adequacy of plant safety at all stages of the life time of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), and presents the licensing basis of a plant.This study aims at comparing the progression of severe accidents during a Total Loss of Feed Water Accident (TLOFW) and a TLOFW combined with An Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM (ATWS) reactivity accident for a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) type NPP. This paper takes into account the results of the PSA Level 1 for the reference NPP. The calculations were performed with the deterministic computer code MELCOR version 2.2 used to analyze severe accident progression in NPP with a Light Water Reactor (LWR). The paper presents a hydrogen risk assessment – the assessment is deterministic, s a prerequisite before performing PSA Level 2. The hydrogen source is determined, too. Saphiro's diagram is applied to investigate the containment atmosphere condition (inert or combustible) for two scenarios. The main results of the study reveal that the containment integrity of the reference PWR NPP when both accidents occurred is maintained. However, the core is severely damaged. A future work will investigate mitigation strategies to limit the hydrogen risk during accident.
Published Version
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