
Rape is reported to occur daily in Nigeria, affecting a wide range of victims, from older women to tiny toddlers under five years old. It is a prevalent form of illegal sexual misconduct that not only violates the dignity of survivors but also jeopardises their health and well-being. This study shed light on the issue of rape in Nigerian society. Its objectives are to determine the causes and effects of rape, as well as propose possible solutions for curbing it. A descriptive research design of the cross-sectional subtype was employed for this study. Data was collected through the administration of a researcher-designed questionnaire to a total sample of 200 respondents. The mean rating was used to analyse the data and address the research questions. The results of the study indicated that the respondents agreed that proving sexual prowess is the most common cause of rape. To combat the issue of rape, victims should feel empowered to speak out. Public awareness campaigns and comprehensive sex and moral education should be implemented. The study also recommends that women be encouraged to dress modestly, parents serve as good role models to their children, and young adults be taught to say NO to rape and report any cases they encounter without supporting or concealing them.

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