
We analyze the spatial correlations in the spin density of an electron gas in the vicinity of a Kondo impurity. Our analysis extends to the spin-anisotropic regime, which was not investigated in the literature. We use an original and numerically exact method, based on a systematic coherent-state expansion of the ground state of the underlying spin-boson Hamiltonian, which we apply to the computation of observables that are specific to the fermionic Kondo model. We also present an important technical improvement to the method, that obviates the need to discretize modes of the Fermi sea, and allows one to tackle the problem in the thermodynamic limit. One can thus obtain excellent spatial resolution over arbitrary length scales, for a relatively low computational cost, a feature that gives the method an advantage over popular techniques such as NRG and DMRG. We find that the anisotropic Kondo model shows rich universal scaling behavior in the spatial structure of the entanglement cloud. First, SU(2) spin-symmetry is dynamically restored in a finite domain in parameter space in vicinity of the isotropic line, as expected from poor man's scaling. We are also able to obtain in closed analytical form a set of different, yet universal, scaling curves for strong exchange asymmetry, which are parametrized by the longitudinal exchange coupling. Deep inside the cloud, i.e. for distances smaller than the Kondo length, the correlation between the electron spin density and the impurity spin oscillates between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic values at the scale of the Fermi wavelength, an effect that is drastically enhanced at strongly anisotropic couplings. Our results also provide further numerical checks and alternative analytical approximations for the recently computed Kondo overlaps [PRL 114, 080601 (2015)].

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