
Abstract: HEALTH can alternatively be also said as most synergistic aging to chronological age. Thus, figuring out approaches that lay path to reducing age, or simply anti-aging approach, help in this synergy, may even bypass this age constraint to some extent. In year 2009, a large scale European cohort study “MARK AGE STUDY” was designed to understand the aging changes aimed at reducing aging process or if possible stop it. Although there were many finding in the study, one in particular the oxidative changes associated to aging process, showed lower lycopene and MDA levels; and higher cysteine, α-tocopherol and 3- nitrotyrosine levels in long living individuals1 . However, following failure to find any dietary indication or supplementation, in relation to this study, it was sought possible to come with a dietary indication that would benefit in reducing the aging process. In year 2020, COVID 19 has emerged as a pandemic, which shows age related severity. So certain principles are created, and first applied in COVID 19 context, and evidences in favour of it were examined. A dietary instruction has been formulated labelled as Universal Dietary Adjunct Therapy, and is recommended to be included in normal dietary habits for a longer life-span, and as prophylaxis for chronic diseases and as adjunctive therapy to terminal illness and no-cure scenarios. Keywords: covid19, mark-age project, health, anti-aging diet, diet, universal adjunctive diet therapy, UDAT

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